Please read this document carefully as it sets out the terms and conditions relating to the introduction of temporary or permanent staff to you by Forbes Private Staff Ltd, which is an employment AGENCY. The Agency specialises in placing nannies, mannies, maternity nannies, governesses, governors, tutors, housekeepers, butlers, chefs, estate managers, and personal assistants.

These terms and conditions create a legally binding contract between you (the “Client”) and the Agency (the “Agreement”). Please read the Agreement carefully.

  1. Definitions

Agency” means Forbes Private Staff Ltd, t/a Forbes Nannies and BusyHands Contract Services, a company incorporated and existing under the laws of the United Kingdom, with Registered Address at 128 City Road, London EC1V 2NX.

 “Agency Fee” means the fee payable by the client to the Agency for the services set out in these Terms and Conditions.

Client” shall be any person, parent, family member, or a third party appointed by such person named on the Client Registration Form for whom the Agency has agreed to provide the Services in accordance with these Conditions.

Candidate” means a person introduced by the Agency to the Client as requested for the purposes of employment as a nanny, manny, maternity nurse, governess, personal assistant, personal trainer, house manager, babysitter, or any other household staff on a temporary or a permanent basis, whether full or part-time.

’’Registration fee’’ means the initial registration fee paid before paying the full Placement fee.

’’Placement fee’’ means the full fee for placing a Candidate with a Client after the initial registration fee is paid

Contract of Employment” means an employment agreement executed between the Client and the Applicant specifying the terms and conditions of employment under which the Applicant agrees to perform childcare and/or educational related duties for the Client in exchange for an agreed salary

Introduction” means the process of introducing an Applicant by the Agency to the Client by providing a Curriculum Vitae and other information which identifies an Applicant(s). This includes the Applicant being interviewed by the Client either in person, by telephone, or via video calling services (e.g. Skype, WhatsApp, FaceTime, etc.), for the purpose of further employment of that Applicant by the Client

Permanent Placement” means a Contract of Employment exceeding 8 weeks (56 days);

Temporary Placement” means a Contract of Employment not exceeding 8 weeks (56 days) which also includes trial working periods and will be charged according to our terms and conditions.

  1. Contract

2.1. These terms and conditions apply to all contracts for the introduction of Candidates by the Agency to the Client. 

2.2. These terms and conditions are deemed to be accepted by or on behalf of the Client upon an Introduction

  1. Registration

3.1. Clients and Candidates must complete the online Registration Form to be accepted as Clients. If this is not possible, they need to sign the Terms and Conditions and return them to the Agency, before they are accepted and taken on our books. If registering online, filling out the online registration form constitutes confirmation of acceptance of the Agency’s Terms & Conditions.

 3.2. The verbal or written instructions by the Client, or the Client’s appointed agent, to the Agency to submit a suitable Candidate for placement with the Client constitutes acceptance of the Agency’s Terms and Conditions by the Client.  

  1. Client’s Rights & Obligations

4.1. To provide full, accurate, and complete information with regard to their childcare requirements;

4.3. Clients agree to inform the agency in writing of any interviews taking place and to reimburse reasonable traveling expenses for those Candidates who are based outside London or based outside the country where the job will take place. The Client shall settle this directly with the Candidate at the interview stage. The Candidate must provide relevant receipts for the journey in order to be reimbursed by the Client.

4.4. The Client agrees to notify the Agency, either verbally or in writing, as soon as an offer of employment has been made and accepted by the Candidate and to supply the Agency with details of the date of commencement, length of the engagement, and the agreed net weekly wages and to pay the relevant Agency fee to the agency in accordance with our terms and conditions as a result of such engagement.

4.5. The Client will be held responsible for bypassing the agency in cases where the Client failed to inform the agency about the start of employment within 7 days from the day of the offer of employment being made. They will be held responsible for paying the full agency fee, including a 50% penalty surcharge.

4.6. The Client is responsible for the employment of the Candidate in accordance with all applicable employment legislation based on the employment law in the country of employment. The client undertakes to become the sole employer of the Candidate

4.7.  The Client undertakes to provide a contract of employment upon engagement and is responsible for the candidate’s Tax and National Insurance contribution, obtaining work permits, and satisfying any medical requirements or qualifications as required by law. A copy of the signed contract needs to be emailed to the Agency within 7 days from the date of commencement.

4.8.  The Client is solely responsible for the suitability of the Candidate, and it is purely his/her decision to employ or to interview the Candidate. The Agency cannot be held responsible for any mistakes in the candidate’s portfolio, as those are provided directly by the Candidate. The client agrees to satisfy himself as to the suitability of the Candidate by interviewing, taking up any references, copies of documents provided by the Candidate to the Agency.

4.9. The Client agrees to notify the Agency if the nature of employment of the Candidate changes in any way during the first six months from commencement and agrees to pay an additional fee (standard fee for such service minus placement fees already paid) should there be an increase in working hours or days of work originally required when the Candidate started the employment.

4.10. The Client is solely responsible for ensuring that the Candidate is eligible to work in the client’s country and for obtaining and paying for her/his travel expenses before the commencement of employment – such as flights, taxis, shuttles, etc/any relevant work permits/visas/immigration requirements that may be necessary and for arranging and paying for any medical examinations or investigations into the medical history and health or travel insurance where applicable.

4.11. If the position of employment is temporary and the Candidate subsequently rejoins the Client at any time in the future after the agreed period for further employment, the Client undertakes to inform the Agency and pay the relevant placement fee again. Should the original length of temporary employment be extended; the Client must notify the Agency and is required to pay an additional Fee.

4.12. Clients agree not to disclose any introductions of Candidates to third parties. The personal and contact details of Candidates shall be kept strictly confidential by Clients. Any breach of this undertaking resulting in the employment of a Candidate by a third party renders the Client liable for full payment of the Agency’s placement fee.

4.13. The Client is responsible for paying the Candidate’s agreed salary for any trial hours requested in order to assess the suitability of the Candidate. Guidance on current market salaries can be found on our website.

4.14. The Client has to follow all legal obligations, such as registration with HMRC, paying for the Candidate’s taxes and NI contributions (proof must be provided- e.g. Candidate’s last payslip), pay for the Candidate’s deposit in case of hiring a self-employed maternity nurse, etc.

4.15. The Client cannot introduce, directly or indirectly, a Candidate (whether a prospective Candidate or one employed by the Client) to any third party.

  1. Agency’s Rights & Obligations

5.1. The Agency conducts its business as a matching service that matches and introduces suitable Candidates to work for the client with the purpose of effecting introductions between persons desiring to enter into contracts for services.

5.2. The Agency endeavours to establish the suitability of any Candidate for introduction to the Client by taking up a minimum of two references from each Candidate. However, all responsibility for ascertaining the suitability of the Candidate for the engagement remains with the Client.

5.3. The Agency holds no responsibility for the Client and Candidate’s employment contract, portfolio, and any matters associated with it are to be arranged between Client and Candidate. The Agency offers a contract of employment only as a sample guide for the Client and Candidate to use.

5.4. The Agency cannot be under any circumstances held responsible and excludes liability for any loss, damage, delay, inconvenience, problems, costs incurred due to damage to property or theft of property, death, injuries, or accidents incurred or suffered by the Client, the Clients family, servants, or the Client’s assets caused directly or indirectly during employment or introduction of the Candidate allegedly arising from the acts or character of the Candidate introduced by the Agency, or, to the extent permitted by law, in respect of services provided by the Agency, even if such act or omission is negligent or fraudulent or reveals any dishonesty.

Any losses shall be limited to the Placement Fees paid to the Agency in respect of a placement.

5.5. The Agency does not offer any warranty for the Candidate’s suitability, personality, character, honesty, and reliability.

5.6. The Agency does not employ any of the Candidates directly or indirectly. Candidates are introduced to Clients, and they will always be employed by the Client unless the Candidate is self-employed (this only applies to child-minders or maternity nurses; a standard nanny can not be self-employed). Candidates shall be under the supervision, direction, and control of the Client.

5.7. The Agency reserves the right to change or add to the above Terms and Conditions without prior notification, however, all changes will be posted on this website. It’s your responsibility to check these Terms and Conditions in case there are any changes. Continuing to use the site and our services after a change has been made is your acceptance of the changes. 

  1. Fees

6.1. The Placement Fee becomes payable when a Candidate introduced by us accepts an offer by the Client or the Client accepts a Counter-offer by a Candidate. All invoices are payable within five working days in order to confirm the booking and always prior to commencement of candidate.

6.2 The Placement Fee will be calculated on the highest amount of the Annual Salary provided in any Offer or Counter-offer, regardless of the final terms formalised between the Client and the Candidate.

6.3. The placement fee payable will be dependent upon whether the placement of a candidate by the Agency is a Permanent or Temporary Placement, and shall be payable in accordance with the fee structure set forth in our Terms and Conditions. 

6.4. All introduction fees for placements in UK and EU may be subject to VAT.

6.5. The Agency fees are non-refundable. 

6.6. If a candidate introduced by the Agency is rejected (or rejects an offer of employment) by the Client, a full introduction fee will be payable if the candidate is subsequently employed by the Client at any time.

6.7. The invoice issued by the Agency must be settled in full within 5 working days before the Candidate commences Engagement with the Client and in respect of overseas placements, any invoice must be settled by the Client before the date that the Candidate departs for such placement. In the case of Candidates for temporary positions, the Client agrees to settle any invoice before the commencement of the temporary placement. 

6.8. The Candidate will not commence employment before the full settlement of the invoice. If the Candidate does , the agency reserves  the right to charge the family a 10% surcharge on the agreed agency fee per week until the payment is received.

6.9. If the payment is more than two weeks overdue, the agency refund and replacement guarantee will no longer apply to the placement.

6.10. All invoices not settled within 14 days from the invoice date will be subject to a 20% surcharge on the top of the original invoice, if the Agency didn’t receive the payment within 30 days from the invoice date will be passed to the Debt and Recovery collector which will result in additional charges. 

  1. Additional Fees

7.1. If a client employs a member of staff who has been introduced by The Agency but does not inform the Agency within 7 days, the fee payable will be subject to a 50% surcharge.

7.2. Where a temporary position subsequently becomes a permanent position, the Client shall be required to pay the relevant full Agency Fee for the permanent position.

7.3. If a Candidate employed by the Client temporarily is re-employed by the Client within six calendar months of the termination of the original period of employment (whether such re-employment is on a temporary or permanent basis) then a further Agency Fee shall be payable by the Client to the Agency. Such fee shall be equal to the Agency Fee which would have been payable if the Agency had introduced the Candidate to the Client at the time of re-employment.

7.4. In the event that a Client does not hire a Candidate following the initial Introduction by the Agency but subsequently approaches the Candidate (not through the Agency) directly within 3 years of initial introduction offering Engagement, then the Client shall be liable to pay the agency placement fee which would have been payable if the Agency had introduced the Candidate to the Client.

7.5. For the purposes of attending interviews, the Client is responsible for a Candidate’s reasonable travelling expenses, which are properly incurred and evidenced by appropriate receipts. The Client shall settle this directly with the Candidates.

7.6. If one of our Candidates is solicited to work for the client to bypass the Agency fees – in the event where the Client only hires a candidate for a trial or a temporary period or doesn’t hire a Candidate following the initial introduction by the Agency (meaning: profile of the candidate sent by email and/or interview set up but cancelled, and/or interview done, etc.) but approaches the Candidate directly -not offering the employment through our Agency – then the Client shall be liable to pay the full Agency Placement Permanent Fee based on 52 weeks plus 50% penalty surcharge plus £50 per week for each week of late payment, starting from the date the Agency will issue the invoice.

  1. Cancellation of Booking

8.1. If a Client withdraws an offer of confirmed employment or cancels the confirmed booking prior to the Candidate’s start date, 30% of the placement fee will be payable by the Client to the Agency as a cancellation fee. Payment will become due within 5 working days from the date of invoice. Should the client cancel the confirmed booking during the candidate’s employment, then the paid agency fee remains non-refundable. In such circumstances, one week’s salary is also payable to the Candidate to compensate for their loss of earnings. 

8.2. Should a Candidate cancel the confirmed and already paid booking, the agency will offer a replacement candidate free of charge. If the Client does not wish to accept the replacement candidate from the agency or does not wish to use the service of the agency for finding a suitable replacement, then 50% of paid agency fee will be refunded to the client.

  1. Termination

9.1 All instances of termination of employment where a replacement is requested must be notified in writing to the Agency within three days of the termination of employment.

9.2 The Parties may terminate the Agreement by mutual consent at any time.

9.3 In the event that this Agreement is terminated, the Client shall not be entitled to any refund of the Agency Fee already paid and any Agency Fees due at the date of termination and interest thereon. All other administrative fees due to the Agency will immediately become payable in full.

  1. Replacements (Temporary and Permanent)

10.1. Should the Candidate leave the employment within 8 weeks from commencing such employment, including a trial period if one was requested, the Agency will offer one replacement Candidate free of charge. The client is eligible for one free replacement Candidate only. The Agency shall be obliged to provide the Client with up to 3 candidate

profiles for a free replacement. Such profiles will be selected based on the information originally provided in the Client’s registration form and will be provided within 2 months of notification. 

10.2. The Agency accepts no liability and is not obliged to offer a Replacement or any refund to the extent that the Client finds the profiles unacceptable and does not want to engage any of the potential Candidates. Neither the Client nor the Agency will be able to discriminate unlawfully or breach the provisions of the Equality Act 2010 when Candidates are being selected for either an initial placement or for a replacement. The Agency will not accept the refusal of a Candidate or a Replacement Candidate on anything other than legitimate grounds.

 10.3. The agency accepts no liability and is not obliged to offer a Replacement or any refund if the Client finds the portfolios unacceptable and does not want to engage any of the potential Candidates.

10.4. The Client will only be eligible for one replacement Candidate under these Conditions, and will no longer be eligible for a replacement Candidate after the first Candidate has been replaced.

 10.5. The Agency will offer replacements if the following conditions have been satisfied:

  • The Client paid the full registration fee prior to the interview commencement
  • The Client has paid for the placement fee in full within seven days from the invoice date and prior to the Candidate’s start of employment.
  • The Client has notified the Agency of the termination of employment of a candidate in writing within 7 days of termination.
  • The Candidate has not cancelled the engagement due to unreasonable requirements by the Client.
  • The Client has not changed the employment conditions, such as working hours, location of employment and duties as originally agreed by the Candidate and Client in the contract.
  • The Candidate’s working conditions and/or the way the Client treated the Candidate were satisfactory. Forbes Private Staff Ltd agency’s decision will be final in this respect.
  • The Client was not physically or verbally aggressive towards the Candidate or Agency’s representative.
  • The client followed his/her legal obligations, such as registration with HMRC, paying for the Candidate’s taxes and NI contributions (proof must be provided- e.g. Candidate’s last payslip.
  • The Contract was agreed upon without any discount. All Clients that negotiated a discounted fee are not eligible for free replacement Candidates. (10% discount for returning clients does not apply)
  • Should the Candidate leave after eight weeks of employment (including the trial period), the Agency will guarantee a 10% discount for finding a new Candidate, should the client wish to continue the search with the Agency.

10.6. If the Candidate employment is terminated by the Client after the initial 4-week period, the Agency is not obligated to the Client to present further Candidates without further charge.

10.7. If the Candidate employment is terminated after the initial 12-week period, the Agency is not obligated to the Client to present further Candidates without further charge

10.8. Please note that once the Client advises the agency to look for a replacement Candidate and then finds a new Candidate via another source, the Agency will not offer any further replacements.

10.9. For the avoidance of doubt, the Agency shall have no further obligation to the Client to source additional replacement applicants or refund any amount of the Service Fee in the event the Client agrees to engage a Potential Replacement Applicant, but that Potential Replacement Applicant fails to commence the engagement or, having so commenced, leaves at any time.

  1. Confidentiality and Privacy Policy

11.1. It is a condition of this Agreement that now and at all times in the future, including the completion of this Agreement, save as may be lawfully required, the Agency and the Client shall keep all affairs, concerns, business and privacy of each other confidential.

11.2. All communication between the Parties in any form shall be confidential. Should the Client pass on any information of the Applicants, or recommend an Applicant to a third party that results in the employment of the Applicant then the Client will be liable for the relevant full fee as if the booking had been made by the Client itself and these Terms and Conditions shall apply accordingly.

 11.3. The Agency is responsible for keeping the personal information of the Client and the Client’s family members private and confidential at all times. The Agency uses an encrypted database to store personal information provided by the Client, which can be amended or deleted at any time by sending a request to gdpr@forbesprivatestaff.com. The Agency shall not share the Client’s data with any third parties and shall store it solely for the purpose of direct communication with the Client and for finding a suitable Applicant.

  1. Liability of the Agency

The Agency endeavours to provide the Client with only the most suitable Applicants according to the Client’s requirements set out in the initial Client Enquiry. However, the Client must decide on the suitability of the Applicant prior to offering the Applicant employment. The Agency does not accept any liability for any kind of inconvenience, loss, or damage howsoever arising and whether caused directly or indirectly from any act or omission of an Applicant introduced by the Agency. Additionally, no warranty is offered in respect of the suitability, honesty, capability or character of any Applicant introduced by the Agency and employed by the Client. Applicants are not employees of the Agency. The Client is responsible for ensuring that their home contents insurance includes cover for Employers and Public Liability insurance for domestic workers, including child carers. The Agency does not exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence. The entire liability of the Agency under or in connection with these Terms and Conditions and the Agreement is limited to the amount of the Agency Fee received for the provision of the Services, except as expressly provided in these Terms and Conditions and the Agreement.

  1. Legal

These terms of business are covered by English law, and all disputes arising out of or in connection therewith shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the English courts.


14.1. UK Placements:

  • Permanent Full-Time Placement in Childcare (52 weeks + ) – 15% of the Annual Salary
  • Permanent Full-Time Placement in Private Household (52 weeks +) – 15% of the Annual Salary
  • Full-time Governess or Tutor Placements – 17% of the Annual Salary
  • Full-Time Dual Residency Placements – required to work in the UK and Overseas – 18% of the Annual Salary
  • Part-Time Governess or Tutor Placements – 19% of the Annual Salary
  • After School Childcare Placements – 18% of the Annual Salary
  • Part-Time Placements in Childcare and Private Households – 18% of the Annual Salary
  • Maternity Nurses – £170 per week, min 2 weeks.
  • Temporary Placements – £100 per day or £450 per week.
  • Trials – £450 per week, up to 4 consecutive weeks; or fixed daily fee of £90.

14.2. International Placements

  • All Permanent Placements – 20% of the Annual Salary
  • Maternity Nurses – £230 per week, min 2 weeks
  • Temporary Placements – £100 per day or £500 per week.
  • Trials – £500 per week, up to 4 consecutive weeks.

14.3 All invoices are calculated for 52 weeks salary bases. 

14.4 Invoice payment terms – 5 working days

  1. Copyrights

Any material found within the pages of our website including text or images may not be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, broadcast or transmitted in any way. Permission for any other use must be obtained by contacting Forbes Private Staff. 

Your Privacy

We promise to treat any personal information about you securely, fairly and lawfully. We are committed to protecting your privacy.  This Privacy Notice explains in detail the types of personal data we may collect about you when you interact with us. It also explains how we’ll store and handle that data, and keep it safe

We know that there’s a lot of information here, but we want you to be fully informed about your rights, and how Forbes Private Staff LTD uses your data.

We hope the following sections will answer any questions you have but if not, please do get in touch with us

When we ask you for personal information online it will only be in response to you actively applying for or using one of our online products or services.

Forbes Private Staff is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.

The company may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes.

Information Collected or Received

In the course of providing our Services, we collect or receive your personal information in a few different ways. Often, you choose what information to provide, but sometimes we require certain information for you to use and for us to provide you the Services.

Registration, Account Setup, Service Usage: In order to use the Services, you need to provide us with a valid email address, and for Services that require registration, a name associated with your account that you can choose and that represents your identity with Forbes Private Staff. Candidates applying for jobs may review and change these on their unique and private candidate portal, which only the individual candidate and employees of Forbes Private Staff can access. You need to provide this information to enable us to provide you with the Services.

Depending on which services you choose to use, additional information, may be necessary in order for us to provide a particular service. You are not required to provide us with this information to sign up, but we will need it to provide certain services.

Candidate Portal: You may provide your name and other personal information (such as birthday, location) in connection with your account and activity. You can edit or remove this information through your account settings.  This portal is fully secure and is accessed only by you and by Forbes Private Staff employees.

Analytics Information: We use data analytics to ensure site functionality and improve the Services. We use Google Analytics, which tracks site data and usage.  It does not individually track individual users.

What we collect (including but not limited to):

We may collect the following information:

  • Name
  • Contact information including email address
  • Demographic information such as postcode

What we do with the information we gather:

We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:

  • Internal record keeping.
  • We may use the information to improve our products and services.
  • We will only contact you using the details you provide for reasons directly relating to your use of our services.
  • We will never use your information to contact you for market research purposes.


The security of your personal information is important to us. We follow generally accepted standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and after it is received. Your account information is protected by a password. It is important that you protect against unauthorised access to your account and information by choosing your password carefully and by keeping your password and computer secure, such as by signing out after using the Services. If you have any questions about the security of your personal information, you can contact us at info@forbesprivatestaff.com

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Controlling your personal information

We will never sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties. We will only pass on your personal information if we are required by law to do so.

If you are applying for a job through Forbes Private Staff we will typically only pass on your information to our client with your permission, which is deemed given when you apply for a job.  This may be by applying through your candidate portal, other website or by other methods such as email or text.

You may request details of personal information which we hold about you under the Data Protection Legislation.  If you would like a copy of the information held on you please contact us with your request.

If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please contact us as soon as possible. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.

We know that members of our community value having control over their own information, so Forbes Private Staff gives candidates the choice of providing, editing or removing certain information, as well as choices about how we contact you. You may change or correct your Forbes Private Staff account information through your account settings in your candidate portal. You can also request the deletion of the personal information in your account.

You may also control the receipt of certain types of communications from Forbes Private Staff in your account settings. Forbes Private Staff may send you messages about the Services or your activity. Some of these messages are required, service-related messages for members (such as job alerts). Other messages are not required, such as newsletters. You can control which optional messages you choose to receive by changing your subscriptions in your candidate preferences.

We partner with third parties to manage our advertising on other sites. Our third-party partners may use cookies or similar technologies in order to provide you with advertising based upon your browsing activities and interests. If you have chosen to connect your account to an external third-party application, such as Facebook, or an app developed using the API, you can change your settings and remove permission for the app by changing your account settings.

The Period for Which We Will Keep Your Information

We will keep your information for as long as is necessary for us to fulfil the purposes that we describe in this policy. As a general rule, however, we will keep:

The information you provide when you register us, together with any updates you make to that information, for the duration of your participation;

The information that we collect about you for the duration of your participation, in some cases less time, based on the reason for holding such information and whether such information remains current, for example the cookies we use for third party advertising (as set out in the Cookie Policy) are held for no longer than 12 months

If you do not interact with us for a period of 6 years or if we are no longer are able to contact you, we may deem you to be inactive and suspend or close your account. Your information will be kept and securely stored for a further 4 year period after you are deemed to be inactive, following which we will ensure that your personal data is no longer retained. In some instances we may choose to keep your personal data for longer, or if you actively opt in again for us keeping your data.

Your Rights

You may benefit from a number of rights in relation to your information that we process. Some rights apply only in certain limited cases, depending on your location. If you would like to manage, change, limit, or delete your personal information, you can do so via your candidate portal account settings or by contacting us. Upon request, Forbes Private Staff will provide you with information about whether we hold any of your personal information. By visiting your account settings, you can access, correct, change, and delete certain personal information associated with your account. In certain cases where we process your information, you may also have a right to restrict or limit the ways in which we use your personal information. In certain circumstances, you also have the right to request the deletion of your personal information, and to obtain a copy of your personal information in an easily accessible format.

Where we use your data for direct marketing purposes, you can always object using the unsubscribe link in such communications or changing your account settings.

Your Responsibilities

You are responsible for protecting your personal information and password in order to access the candidate portal.  You agree to protect any information you receive from us with confidentiality, and conduct yourself with high integrity, following the relevant local laws of the land.

Withdrawing Consent

Where you have provided your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent to our processing of your information and your use of the Services. For example, you can withdraw your consent to email marketing by using the unsubscribe link in such communications or by changing your account settings. You can choose to withdraw your consent to our processing of your information and your use of the Services at any time by closing your account through your account settings and then emailing info@forbesprivatestaff.com to request that your personal information be deleted, except for information that we are required to retain.

Cookies – what are they?

A “cookie” is a small text file that’s stored on your computer, smartphone, tablet, or other device when you visit a website or use an app.

Some cookies are deleted when you close down your browser. These are known as session cookies. Others remain on your device until they expire or you delete them from your cache. These are known as persistent cookies and enable us to remember things about you as a returning visitor.

This website uses session and persistent cookies.

Types of cookies and how we use them

If you delete cookies relating to this website we will not remember things about you, including your cookie preferences, and you will be treated as a first-time visitor the next time you visit the site.

We use cookies (and other similar technologies) to:

– Provide products and services that you request and to provide a secure online environment

– Manage our marketing relationships

– Give you a better online experience and track website performance

– Help us make our website more relevant to you

Here we explain a bit more about each of these types and how you can control their use.

Essential Cookies: Providing interactive services

Cookies that are essential for us to provide a product or service you have requested and to provide a secure online environment. Without cookies we are unable to provide some products or services that you might request. Other ‘essential’ cookies keep our website secure.

Essential cookies are used to deliver interactive services, such as:

– web chat

– video calls

– maintain online security and protect against online fraud

Performance Cookies: Tracking website performance

These cookies collect aggregated information and are not used to identify you.

We use this type of cookie to understand and analyse how visitors use our online services and look for ways to improve them. For example, a cookie might tell us that lots of people give up on an application process at a particular step – so we can try to make that step easier to complete.

The analytics cookies we use include

– Google Analytics, which uses cookies to help us analyse how our visitors use the site. Find out more about how these cookies are used on the Google privacy site.

Functionality Cookies: Giving you a better online experience

These cookies remember your preferences and tailor the website to provide enhanced features. Without these cookies, we cannot remember your choices or personalise your online experience.

We use this type of cookie to:

Remember relevant information as you browse from page to page to save you re-entering the same information repeatedly. And to provide enhanced features, such as playing videos or allowing you to post a comment.

Targeting Cookies: For advertising partners

These cookies are usually third-party cookies from marketing partners used to deliver adverts relevant to you and your interests. These cookies can track your browsing history across websites. If you wish to prevent this type of cookie, you may do so through your device’s browser security settings.

The third-party companies we partner with include:

– Social media including (but not limited to) Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram

– Job sites, including (but not limited to) Indeed, Gumtree and Greatcare

Cookies in emails

As well as the cookies we may use on our website, we use cookies and similar technologies in emails. These help us to understand whether you’ve opened an email and how you’ve interacted with it. Cookies may also be set if you click on a link within the email.

How to control and delete cookies

If you want to restrict or block the cookies we set, you can do this through your browser settings. The ‘help’ function within your browser should tell you how.

If you don’t want to accept cookies in emails, you can set your browser to restrict or reject cookies, or you can close the email before downloading any images or clicking on any links.